
Troy was great and powerful, against which the heroes of Greece gathered to speak. Founded Troy Il, great-grandson of the son of Zeus Dardan and pleiades Electra. Dardanus came from Arcadia to the king Teucer. Teucer gave Dardanus his daughter in marriage, and as a dowry gave him part of his land, on which the city of Dardania was founded. Dardan's grandson was Cable, and his son was Il. He once took part in a contest of heroes in Phrygia and soon defeated them one by one. As a reward for this victory, he received fifty virgins and fifty young men. The king of Phrygia also gave him a mottled cow and told him to follow the cow and found a city where the cow would stop. The oracle promised great glory, according to the king of Phrygia, to this city. Il did as the king of Phrygia told him. He went after the cow, and she stopped just on the hill of the goddess Ate. It was on this hill that Il began the construction of the city. He raised his hands to heaven and prayed to Zeus to send him a sign that the thunderer had blessed his work. In the morning, coming out of his tent, Il saw in front of him a carved image of Athens-Pallas; this was the palladium that was supposed to guard the new city. During the reign of Ila, only that part of Troy was surrounded by a wall, which was located on a hill, while the part of the city at the foot of the hill was not protected. A wall was built around this part of the city Poseidon and Apollo, who, by the command of the gods, were to serve the king of Troy Laomedon, the son of Il. The indestructible wall was built by Poseidon and Apollo around Troy. Only in one place it was possible to destroy the wall - where the hero Eak, who helped the gods in their work, worked.

At the time when the heroes of Greece were going on a campaign against Troy, it was ruled by the grandson of Ila Priam; he was the only one left alive of the children of King Laomedon after the son of Zeus took Troy Hercules. Priam was rich. Magnificent and majestic was his palace, in which he lived with his wife Hecaboy. Fifty of his sons and daughters lived with Priam. Among the sons of Priam, the noble Hector was especially famous for his bravery and strength.

Troy was powerful. Great difficulties awaited the Greek heroes in their struggle against the warlike Trojans, but great glory and the richest booty awaited those who would defeat the Trojans and take possession of Troy.