Beautiful Aphrodite reigns over the world. She, like Zeus-the thunderer, has a messenger: through him she fulfills her will.
This messenger of Aphrodite is her son Erot, a cheerful, playful, insidious, and sometimes cruel boy. Eros is carried on his shiny golden wings over lands and seas, fast and light as a breeze. In his hands is a small golden bow, over his shoulders is a quiver with arrows. No one is protected from these golden arrows. Erot hits the target without a miss; as a shooter, he is not inferior to the golden-haired strelover himself Apollo. When Erot hits the target, his eyes glow with joy, he throws his curly head high with triumph and laughs loudly. .
The arrows of Eros bring joy and happiness, but they often bring suffering, torment of love and even death. To the golden-haired Apollo himself, to the cloud-maker Zeus himself, these arrows caused a lot of suffering.
Zeus knew how much grief and evil the son of golden Aphrodite would bring to the world. He wanted to be killed at birth. But how could the mother allow this! She hid Eros in an impenetrable forest, and there, in the wilds of the forest, two fierce lionesses nursed baby Eros with their milk. Erot grew up, and now he is running around the world, young, beautiful, and sows happiness, sorrow, good, evil with his arrows in the world.